Introduction to Website and Web App Development

HTML Week 1 Assignment

For the next few weeks we will be working on your personal website. You can include any information you would like on your website, but you must at least have your name and a short bio this week, and a list of your favorite edtech tools. Note: If you would rather design a programmatic website for a school program or another organization instead, that’s fine - just make sure you have a list of some kind and an intro paragraph.


  • In GitHub Desktop, create a new repository for your website. You can call it whatever you want (even “website” is fine).
  • Open it in VS Code and create a new file called “index.html”. index.html is the default file name for a website.
  • Create your bio. Include, at a minimum, a section for your name, include a section for your bio (or intro), and include a section for your favorite edtech tools (list the tools and why you like them, don’t worry about linking to them) or another list. Use HTML semantic styling correctly. You’ll have the option to use this document for most of the semester.
  • Save this file, commit it to GitHub and push your changes. Use “HTML Week 1 Assignment” somewhere in your commit message.
  • On the GitHub webpage, open the “My Website” repository. Click on the Settings link. Scroll down to the section labeled GitHub Pages. Change the source to the main branch and click Save. GitHub will provide you with a URL to view your finished website. Submit this in the week 2 assignment submit forum. You will always be able to preview your website at this URL. Note that it may take a few minutes after you push to main before you can see the webpage live.